"Buzz" of every kind.
Freed from the Cocktail
Wine & Spirits Magazine featured Casa Carmen's vermouth: "Tender is the Night is a barrel-aged black vermouth, a rare Spanish style, flavored with black walnuts, wormwood, orange peel, herbs and baking spices. It's harbaceous and spiced, like a brooding grown-up root beer when topped with soda and a twist. It begs heaping some good tinned fish on bread and pretending it's pintxos in Iberia."

Countryside, Community, Celebration: Casa Carmen Wines
"In a small Eastern Shore community like Chestertown, the Pallares brothers have caused quite a stir. In the 50’s, we would have called them “Continentals”—a vague term that covers their general air of cultivated sophistication, their slight but charming accents, and their genteel..."

Casa Carmen mantiene el negocio familiar durante la pandemia
"Los únicos dueños latinos de un viñedo en Maryland, trabajan en familia para que su negocio siga adelante durante la pandemia. Lo han logrado con la ayuda de su comunidad..."

High Spirits: Casa Carmen Winery
"Brothers Enrique and Felipe Pallares are combining the competitive drive that led them to become professional polo players with the entrepreneurial spirit passed down by their pioneering predecessors in an effort to create world-class wine on Maryland’s Eastern Shore..."

East Coast Wineries Crafting a Niche in the Vermouth Market
"'Showing America how to truly drink vermouth has been a mission of mine,' shared Enrique Pallares, partner with veteran winemaker John Levenberg in two new Maryland operations which share honors for being both the state's first and second vermouth labels..."

Best Latinx Wineries in America
"In American agriculture, the influence of the Latinx community cannot be overstated. From central Californian valleys to the orchard rows of upstate New York, the thumbprints are everywhere..."